Tuesday, October 1, 2013

A Vichyssoise of Verbiage Vivifying a Vibrant Vaticine

At the abapical point in human history, an acrimonious God arranged an abscission of the abducent peoples of the world through an affray of inclement weather. Before that beastly brouhaha began, God brought the bargemaster Noah a blueprint of the boat bandobast that would bring them away from the bathysmal balneary. In compliance with the Christian Creator, Noah created what the caduceator commanded and endured the credulous commentary from his cachexic neighbors.The judeochristian deity delivered a debilitating deluge that decimated the deviant and defiant population.Eftsoons, after enduring the extraordinary inclemency, the eellogofusciouhipoppokunurious family witnessed the effulging sun, and interpreted it as an eirenicon from an eleutherian God.

That's totally enough alliteration oh my Christ that was painful.

Anyway as for fire and ice it's gonna be fire because ultimately the Sun will consume the earth and well that's science you can't argue with it. As for the destruction of humanity? Who knows. Humanity's own judgements and avarice will ultimately be its downfall, that hubris that has plagued every civilization from the dawn of time. I suppose it's more like ice than anything, this slow crippling spread of almost a disease that covers everything in it's cold corpulent crystal claws. But then again maybe I'm an idiot. Nobody knows the future.

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