Tuesday, October 8, 2013

I'm Greedy

In this sort, Pygmalion is a talented Greek sculptor from Cyprus. He then ran into some prostitutes, and for some weird reason he was disgusted and lost all interest in all other women. He then devoted his time to make a statue out of ivory, and named it Galatea. His work was so beautiful that he fell deeply in love with it. He fell so in love with it, that he would kiss, dress, and caress his masterpiece. Aphrodite basically felt bad for the guy so when he sacrificed a bull for her in her temple she turned Galatea into a real person, but before she did that  I'm sure she told all the other gods and goddesses and was like hey check this guy out, he keeps making out with this statue. Eventually the two got married, and Pygmalion never thought that was weird in anyway.

I would want to hang out with Batman, because he has billions of dollars to spend. I would be a gold digging friend most likely just taking advantage of all the cool gadgets and toys he has. Also he has his own hovercraft kind of thing and he could take you wherever you waned to, whenever you wanted to go.

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