Wednesday, October 9, 2013

cenizas пепел they all fall down

So the descendants of Noah all had the New York mentality, up is the next frontier. They attempted to construct a tower straight to heaven to make themselves the equals of God. At this time they all spoke the same language which would be helpful in the constructing of a tower. The Lord in all his wisdom found the arrogance of the people disappointing and distasteful so he confused everyone by making them speak different languages. Then he scattered them across the Earth thus giving origin to different people groups. Then the tower was lightly toasted and swallowed up by the Earth.

English has been my native tongue and I'm sad to say that until I traveled to Honduras and understood the practicality of Spanish; I looked at other languages rather disdainfully. Before Honduras Spanish was very challenging and a low point in my day, but then it all changed. I had a desire to learn, speak, and listen. I wanted to be fluent and I wanted to be able to communicate. Honduras convinced me to take Spanish through the AP level and I will one day pursue it as a major. After I reach a satisfactory Spanish speaking ability I think I would like to learn Russian or Arabic. I think a less romantic language would be rather enchanting.,d.aWc&psig=AFQjCNHs-xxXR5aLrStgpTUr8Ng0Ctx4QQ&ust=1387245914670556

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