Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Noahs Arc

In this story God is angered by the evil ways his people were behaving in, so he decided to destroy the world with a huge flood. Before he did this though, he told Noah to build an arc big enough to hold his family and two of every animal in the world, so they could survive the flood. When they were all loaded up, it rained for 4o days and 40 nights covering the world in water. Noah then sent out a dove, it returned so Noah knew there was no place for it to land. The second release of the dove, it brought back an olive branch, which showed that plant life was coming back to life. The third and final time Noah released the Dove it didn't return so he knew it landed in some dry place. At this pint, Noah released all the animals back onto the land, where a rainbow shined over the entire world. This showed God's promise to never flood or destroy earth again.

I am not so much fascinated by penguins, but I feel kinda bad for them. It sucks for them because they can't just get up and fly whenever they want like other birds can, they just get to slowly waddle in the freezing cold, while starving, only to jump into freezing cold water where they try to catch some fish and avoid getting eaten. I feel like their whole life is just huddle for warmth, cover an egg, try to get some food, avoid getting eaten and then that whole cycle for the rest of their lives.

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