Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Sodom and Gomorrha

It begins when God heads over to Abraham’s tent and tell his that he is going to have another son. This made his wife, Sarah, laugh because they were both pretty old. Abraham then offers to escort God and his angels onto Sodom because he knew the way. God was going over there to destroy the city but he didn’t want Abraham to know. Too bad for him, because one of his angels told Abraham anyways and Abraham was not so pleased. He actually argues with God (wow) and they decided if you can find ten decent people in Sodom that it wouldn’t be destroyed. Apparently there were not so god destroyed the city. They kinda dug their own graves though when they tried to rape the angels. That was not smart. But God did save Lot because I guess he saved the angels by trying to offer up his two virgin daughters. That was considerate of him. When they were running away from Sodom, his wife looked back and was turned into a pillar of salt. In order to save the family lineage the two daughters seduced their father and got pregnant. Lucky they had sons, or all of that incest would have been for nothing. 

If you look in the background you can see his wife right before she turns into a pillar of salt.

As for unfair punishment, when I would be really bad when I was a kid my parents would take away my books. They would ban me from reading for pleasure because apparently that was the only true punishment they could think of. Is it obvious they are teachers? It was cruel and I am still mad.  

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