Tuesday, October 29, 2013

there is so much wrong with this story jfc

God gets mad at Sodom and Gomorrah for something, although some dispute whether it was over homosexuality or lack of charity. I’ll discuss that in a minute. Anyway, God tells Abraham what he’s going to do, and Abraham asks if he will destroy the city of Sodom if fifty righteous people can be found there, then asking if he will destroy it if there are forty-five, and then all the way down to ten; each time God says he will not destroy it if he finds at least that many righteous people. Two angels went down to Sodom and met Lot, who invited them into his house. When they returned to his house, the men of the city came to his door and demanded the two (male) angels come out so they could have sex with them. Presumably Lot denies them this because homosexuality was considered a sin, but Lot also mentions that they should not do so because they had come under his protection. Here’s the quote and you can judge for yourself. “No, my friends. Don’t do this wicked thing. Look, I have two daughters who have never slept with a man. Let me bring them out to you, and you can do what you like with them. But don’t do anything to these men, for they have come under the protection of my roof.” The most obvious interpretation, seeing as Lot preferred that the men gang rape his daughters rather than that the men have sex with each other, is that the rape of a woman is more moral than two men having sex. It seems clear that God didn’t like Sodom because its population had an uncanny resemblance to the population of San Francisco. Except the people in San Francisco are considerably more decent.

The angels tell Lot to get his relatives out of the city because they have decided to destroy it. So Lot goes to tell his son-in-laws pledged to marry his daughters to get out of the city…wait, what? His daughters were engaged and he didn’t find a problem with just offering them up on a platter to other men? Whatever. Anyways, Lot got his daughters and wife and they escaped the city. So they’re doing their thing, running away, and the angels tell them not to look back, no matter what they do. But Lot’s wife does, and she’s turned into a pillar of salt. Uh, Yahweh, what are you smoking? Whatever. Then Lot’s daughters have sex with their father like it’s nbd and everyone lives happily ever after.


omfg run faster lot you fatass jfc

People get unfairly punished for things all the time. I’m reminded of proposed laws in many states that would require women who’ve had a miscarriage to report to the police, as it’s possible they might have been trying to kill their baby. And people have gone to jail for this. It’s pretty screwed up.

Homosexuals around the world are still denied rights; in Singapore a man can be publicly lashed for having sex with another man. (But lesbianism is totally cool with them. Do I sense unfair gender stereotypes coming into play?) Some countries even call for the death of homosexuals; I’m looking at you, Uganda.

In Saudi Arabia, a woman recently received 300 lashes for being raped. The rapists went free. I wish I were joking.

Honestly, this world is filled with corrupt governments that pass unfair laws, and every day someone loses their life because of it. This world is seriously screwed up sometimes. I don’t know how to end this, so I’ll end it here. I hope I don’t have to read this out loud.

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