Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Daphne and the Laurel

The story begins with Apollo killing a giant python, and being very proud. He teases Eros and Eros gets angry and wants revenge. He hits Apollo with an arrow that makes him fall in love and shoots an nymph named Daphne with an arrow that stops her from falling in love. Apollo loves Daphne but Daphne doesn't feel the same. Daphne wants to be a virgin her whole life and runs away from Apollo until he catches her. She begs her father to help her and he turns her into a tree. He makes her his sacred tree. Apollo decorates himself with the laurel leaves and makes it so the tree is always green; the tree bows its head in gratitude.

If someone was in love with me and I did not feel the same, I would get a restraining order. Even though Daphne was not able to do this In her time, it would be the easiest and most effective way to get someone to leave you alone because the law forbids them to.  Maybe after they complemented me and pretty much worshiped me for months or years, I would grow to finally love them too, or at least appreciate them for their compliments. Hopefully I am never in this situation because it would be hard to get away from them.

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