Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Father of the Year

In Genesis 19 two Angels came to Lot, Abrahams nephew, at the gate to Sodom. He accepted them into his house. Then the people of Sodom surrounded his house and demanded to have sex with the foreigners (angles). Lot said no, but offered up his two Virgin daughters to the men, making him father of the year. The angels then told Lot to get his family out of Sodom because they were going to destroy it, if Abraham couldn't find ten righteous people and prove God wrong. Well there weren't ten people. So Sodom was destroyed. But as Lot and his family were leaving, Lot's wife turned and looked at the city and was turned into a pillar of salt. In order to keep his family lineage alive, his daughters got jiggy with Lot and got pregnant. So Sodom must have been in Kentucky because of all the incest.

I Hate unfair punishment, why should the whole group be punished for the doings of one person. In eighth grade a student hit a teacher in the face with a kickball on accident and when he didn't confess the whole grade lost recess for a month. I can think of countless examples of times were unfair punishment has really pissed me off. I know every time I get in trouble, I'd rather just me get in trouble rather than a group of people and have all of them hate me.

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