Wednesday, September 25, 2013

the trojan horse

During the Trojan War the Greeks fought the city of Troy. Troy was built on a hill with walls surrounding it which made it almost impossible for any unwanted person to enter the city. After ten years the war had come to a stand still -- the Greeks could not get over the wall and the Trojans could not make the Greeks leave. A Greek general named Odysseus had an idea though. He proposed that the Greeks build a giant hollow wooden horse and offer it to the Trojans as a gift to declare to admit their defeat. Thirty of the strongest Greek soldiers would hide inside and the rest would pretend to sail away. Then when the Trojans brought the horse into the city all the Greek soldiers would wait until the whole city was asleep jump out of the horse, open the gates and let all the other Greek soldiers in and attack. That's exactly what happened and that was the end of the city of Troy.

My dream journey is to travel with my grandparents all over Europe. We will go to Greece, France, Italy, England, Poland, Hungry, Ireland, the Netherlands, Switzerland, everywhere! We will stay in the most luxurious hotels and eat at the finest restaurants and shop at the most expensive boutiques. While having tea one day we will be approached by an old man claiming to be my Jogie's uncle only to find out that we are Royalty and I really am a princess. It is then that I will take my rightful place as Princess of {I dont really care what country, I am not picky} and meet my Prince and live happily ever after.

I actually am taking a similar trip this summer. My grandparents and I are going to Greece, France, Italy, England, Poland and Hungry. We probably will stay in very nice hotels, eat at very fine restaurants, and, knowing my gramma, shop at many many boutiques. When I am with my Gramma and Jogie I feel and am treated like a princess anyways so I guess I will have to live without finding out I am the heir to the throne of some random country in Europe.

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