Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Genesis 1-3

Genesis 1-3 tells the story of how God created the entire universe. Chapter 1 is more or less on how God created the heavens and the earth along with everything that inhabits it. It introduces the concept that all that is made by God is blessed. In Chapter 2, we meet Adam and Eve. Adam was the first man, put on to Earth to care for God's creation. Eve is made out of Adam's rib, meant to be a companion for life. It introduces the concept of marriage, commitment, and the idea that Adam/Eve do not know evil. The serpent appears in Chapter 3 to tempt Adam and Eve with fruit from the tree of knowlege (which God forbade them to eat from). Eve eats from the tree then offers it to Adam, who also eats. God casts them out of the Garden of Eden (paradise) due to their disobedience.

I have grown up in a strong Christian household and could probably recount this story by heart. These are my religious origins, from which I have grown into the faith I now possess. I was also raised in a semi-traditional household, and that has shaped many of my opinions and own personal traditions. All of the parts of my childhood which can be called "my origins" have molded me into the person I am today - someone who believes in a strong family unit, loyalty, upholding traditions, and openmindedness. My origins are something I am proud of, though not in a way that I would write a book about it... but the Bible's origins are also something Christian's pride themselves of and are truly something that molds the entire faith.

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