Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Trojan Horse

The Greeks were fighting the Trojans in this big ol' Trojan War. Since the Greeks weren't fightin' on their own turf, they needed a plan. So they decided to pretend to pack up and go home. But really, they all suited up with their armor and got into this huge wooden horse that they left in the beach. As the Greek boats sailed away, all of Troy started to party hard. Once they were all good and drunk, the Greeks jumped out and slaughtered 'em all. Then they raped and enslaved the women and children.

I am all about adventures. I wanna go everywhere, see everything, be apart of it all. There's some kind of appeal in that idea that has literally possessed me since I was a very small child. My adventures abroad will begin this summer when I do part of a pilgramage trek called the Camino de Santiago de Compostella through France and Spain. If you're in need of an awesome movie, which happens to be my personal favorite, The Way is the way to go. It's a film that's based on The Camino and will most likely rock your world (unless you're Jessie Kono and you hate it...)

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