Tuesday, September 24, 2013

It Couldn't Possibly Be A Trap

Before you ever read the actual story and you only know about the horse tricking them into getting into the story you always think "why in the world would they bring the dang thing in?" After reading it that makes a bit more sense but still wow superstition and crap. Anyway, so the story goes that the Greeks were trying to defeat the Trojans -- get the upper hand in the war and all. Since that wasn't working out, brilliant Odysseus came up with the plan to build a giant wooden horse, stick all of the best warriors in it, and try to get the people of Troy to take it into the city as a sneak attack. By tricking the Trojans into thinking that Athena was mad at the Greeks and the horse was a way to appease her, and that by not taking it into the city they were also angering her, the Greeks managed to get the Trojans to pull the giant wooden horse into the city and up to their temple. Then of course the warriors hidden in the horse attacked and the rest of the army (hiding close by) also attacked, after being let into the city by the Greek warriors already in the city. Let's just say it wasn't really the best day for the Trojans -- Troy fell that night.

Quite frankly it'd be easier to talk about where I wouldn't like to go. My journey would be long and winding, assuming that someone else was paying for my trip, that is. I'm open to pretty much everywhere, though there are certain stops that I'd really like to make. Europe sounds cool, I'd love to go pretty much anywhere in Europe. I also would like to make stops in the Middle East, Egypt, Turkey,  Iran, all of them (assuming that's safe enough to do). I'd also love to go to India, for the culture as well as for an authentic taste of the food! I'd then make a stop in Dhaka, Bangladesh, to look around, see the sights, and see my friend Tasneem, who I haven't actually seen in person since 5th grade. I'd love to peek around that entire area, loop up and see the sights in China, Japan and Korea as well. While all of those places are on the Eurasian continent, I'd also enjoy traveling to various parts of Africa and South America (dunno where exactly, just somewhere).

All of that said, my journey would be sadly lopsided if I didn't also see the western United States, since the furthest west I've really been is probably Chicago. The farthest away I've been is Toronto, and Canada is also the only foreign soil I've ever stepped on. I've also never been in a plane, but with my crippling fear of heights that's probably all for the better. So my journey would be long and I'd probably not want to do all of it at the same time, but that doesn't mean I wouldn't want to go through with it.

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