Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Mischief Managed

I guess it all began when Prometheus and his brother stole fire from Heaven. Man accepted it, and Zeus was pretty pissed about the whole thing. In a happening of foul wizardry, Zeus decided that creating women was to be their punishment. Each god gave the first woman, Pandora, something perfect and she was sent down to Earth. She was chatting up Epimetheus when she found out he had this jar, and was dying to know what was inside of it, so she stole it and opened it and all this bad stuff came out. Obviously someone forgot to give her the skill of reflexes because when she finally got to shutting the lid, the only thing left was hope. And so now whenever anything bad happens we can rest assured that we will never be completely overtaken by it because we still have hope left. Woot. 

An evil I would like to squash is some foul wizardry. Too long I've stood idly by while the wizards and witches at our school rambled on about the mishaps that occur due to such an instance, and I find it rather intolerable. However, I must say that because of such wizardry, many of us have been brought together in order to support one another for the headaches that have been caused trying to sort out fair wizardry from that of the foul. Together we can solemnly swear we are up to no good, and I don't think that would be possible without our foul wizardry scapegoat. 

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