Wednesday, September 4, 2013

The Story of Adam and Eve

The basic idea of this story is that the almighty being, God, decided to make a creature in his own image. He did so by making Adam, the first man. Fearing that Adam would grow lonely and needed someone to accompany him, he made Eve, a woman, out of the rib of Adam. The two humans were allowed by God to live in the Garden of Eden as long as they followed one rule. This rule was for them not to eat fruit from the Tree of Knowledge. Tempted by the devil, Eve disobeyed God and ate the fruit from the tree... Adam followed along. Seeing the shame that Adam and Eve had upon them, God knew that they had disobeyed him. He banished them from the Garden of Eden forever.
I think the stories contained in the Bible, including this one, happen to be very interesting and entertaining. I do not however happen to believe in the stories or believe that they are any more than just stories.Though I was not necessarily raised from this viewpoint, I tend to take more of an evolutionary perspective on the creation of humans. My grandparents are very strict Southern Baptists and my mother attempts to shove religion down my throat, so I sway from telling any of them how I really view these aspects of life. I do not in any way intend to disrespect those who do have faith in Christianity. I actually have a high amount of respect, almost envy, for those that do have faith as long as there stubbornness does not keep them from tolerating others' views. I just cannot seem to wrap my head around the idea that someone created all of us, and I'm supposed to believe it because that's what everyone else tells me I should believe.

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