Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Sibling rivarly is not so new after all....

"15th Century Depiction of Cain and Abel, Speculum Humane Salvationis, Germany. [Medieval Mystery Plays: Cain and Abel]." Medievalists.net. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 Sept. 2013.

...this is for you, mom, who said siblings don't fight.

After we meet Adam and Eve in the first three chapters of the Bible, we are introduced to their kids Abel and Cain (or Abel and Cayn as these old Germans called them). Abel and Cain were brothers and Abel was a shepherd and Cain was a farmer. Both of these things are necessary because the good life is all about meat and potatoes...or bread....or rice. But God did not praise Cain for his offerings and did praise Abel. Not cool. Cain got crazy jealous and killed Abel. That was not nice of him. So God cursed him and his fields.

Sibling rivalries are incredibly prevalent in almost every family I've met. Except for my mother's so she never understood why my sister and I would fight...loudly...and all the time. When I went to Germany my host mom told me she had plotted to kill her sister when she was 8 because her sister got to name the horse. That seemed irrational. Then again, most sibling rivalries are. My host sisters would scream all the time about things like feeding the bunny rabbit or for no reason at all. My sister and I would bite each others head off at the first opportunity before I left for Germany, but it settled down when I got home because she and her host sister didn't get along. (Her host sister said she looked like a fish.) In the end, we get along. I could never kill her, but mostly because I don't like blood. She wants to be a doctor though (she doesn't mind blood) so maybe I should be worried.

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