Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Genesis 1-3

In the first few chapters of Genesis it talks about how God created everything on earth from the fish in the sea to the animals on land, he separated night and day and finally created Adam in his own image. From adam he created the first woman, Eve, and did so by taking a rib from Adam. The two lived in the Garden of Eden, and walked around freely around the garden with no rules to abide by except for eating the forbidden fruit from one tree. Eve was tricked by a snake who in turn convinced adam to eat a fruit as well. The two realized their sins and were ashamed of what they did, and in their shame they decided to cover themselves up. God noticed this and banned them from the Garden of Eden.

My mother and father raised me a catholic, and I have been one ever since. I try to go to mass every week but I usually only make it about once every other week. When I moved to Kentucky in the third grade, I went to my first catholic school at St. Peter and Paul where I had a religion class. However I have been growing suspicious of my beliefs as of late, but I still believe in God. My beliefs have had such an influence on me and have led me to who I am today. I wish I could say I treated everyone else with equity, but that is not the case for I nor anyone else is perfect.

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