Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Cain (Paige) & Abel (Stewart)

Cain and Abel are the offspring of the first humans, Adam and Eve. Cain was the eldest and worked in agriculture, while Abel worked with the livestock. As an offering to God, Abel presented to him fat portions from his livestock. Cain did the same, but with his produce. The lord favored Abel's offering over Cain's, which the latter did not appreciate. Cain, then, invited Abel out to the fields, where he proceeded to kill his brother. Because he had done this, God punished him with a curse of having infertile soil for the rest of his life. He also marked him so that nobody was allowed to kill him either.

You wouldn't know by looking at pictures of us, but my brother, Stewart, and
I did not coexist well, as the above picture might lead you to believe.
Okay while my brother and I, by no means, got along when we were younger, I don't think either one of us felt the overwhelming urge to kill the other. I am perfectly willing to admit now that I was an awful child. Stewart so lovingly calls me the spawn of Satan (like Cain, perhaps?). He backs this up with the story of the time that we were in church when I was around 6 or 7 and had a complete tantrum and was screaming my head off (don't ask me why) until my parents had to drag me out. "See, she can't even stand to be in church! She is a demon child!" I would just like to take this time now to apologize to my big brother for being such a nuisance throughout our childhood. Thankfully now, we got on just fine!

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