Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Pandoras Box

Pandora's Box is a story from Greek mythology. In the story, Zeus creates Pandora, the first girl on earth. Each god gives her something, Aphrodite gave her beauty and Athena gave her clothes. Zeus sent her to marry Epimetheus. Zeus did this to get back at  Prometheus, Epimetheus' brother. Zeus gave Pandora a box and told her to never open it under any circumstances. But, being naïve and curious, Pandora opened the box. Out comes horrible evils such as disease and hate came out of the box before she could shut it. Although all of this evil was released, one good thing came out of Pandora's curiosity. Hope. Hope was also released into the world.
(Google Images)
Without hope, we have nothing. We're hopeless. People who encounter the most evil seem to have the most hope. For example, people that have it really bad or have a bad day usually seem to have hope that everything will get better or tomorrow will be a better day. Thanks to Pandora, we now have evil. But, if you think about it, if Pandora had never opened the box and released the evil, we would also have no hope. I don't believe one can simply get rid of an evil, but with hope we can definitely try and level the evil out with hope. You just have to remember, with evil comes hope.

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