Thursday, September 12, 2013

Open the box

Once upon a time, in a land with a latitude 39 N and longitude 22E the Titan Prometheus and his Epimetheus loved people and so they delivered to the early people the gift of how to make fire. This angered Zeus greatly and so he condemned them both. Prometheus he tied to a rock and allowed vultures to eat his liver everyday and then it regret every night. Epimetheus on the other hand Zeus made a beautiful woman and gave her a box and married her to Epimetheus, telling her never to open the box. It ate away at her wanting to know what was inside. Finally she opened it and released upon the earth all the evils in it as well as hope to make them bearable.
If I could remove one scourge from the earth I would remove the fear of failure. If we are to continue to succeed as a society we must innovate and create new ideas. However we very rarely try because of our worry that our ideas will fail. But we really need to because of the impacts that not trying will have. It's like the way elephants are trained. When very young the trainer ties the back let of the elephant to a tree with a large chain. The elephant tries and tries but it cannot break the chain no matter how hard it pulls. When they grow up you simply put a stake in the ground and tie a string of twine around its leg and the elephant doesn't try to pull it up because it couldnt when it was young. We fail in the past and so we believe we will never succeed so even though we might be huge elephants with weak strings we believe we are tied to huge chains which stops us from trying.

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