Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Cain and Abel

The story begins with the birth of two brothers by the name of Cain and Abel. These brothers were the children of Adam and Eve, Cain being the firstborn and Abel being born second. They each had their own specialty, Cain was a farmer and Abel was a shepherd. Out of respect, both of the brothers gave an offering to God. Cain gave a share of his crops and Abel gave some of his herd. Abel was graciously thanked by God, but Cain was not. Jealousy grew deep within Cain. Jealousy that eventually sprouted into full on hate for his brother. Cain then committed the first murder when he killed his brother out of jealousy.

My brother and sister and I generally get along pretty well. Though, the major detail that keeps me from fighting with them is that I am eight years older than my brother and nine years older than my sister. This large gap in age keeps any jealousy or competitiveness out of the picture as it is accepted by them that I am allowed to do things that they are not because I am older than them. They do however fight amongst one another. I think this has a lot to do with fact that they are very close in age and also go to the same school.

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