Tuesday, September 17, 2013


Cain and Abel is the story of two brothers. They both have their own specific jobs: Cain was a farmer and Abel was a shepherd. One day, Cain presented an offering of his crops to God. Abel also presented an offering, his first born sheep and fattest calves. God was happy with Abel's offering but not so much with Cain's. Obviously, Cain was mad 'cause his little brother out did him. And God asked him why he was so mad and said he needed to control that along with his desire to be best. Then Cain was like, hey Abel lets go out to the field. So they went out and Cain murdered him.

I have a little sister and I'll admit, things aren't always peachy between us. We fight a lot, mostly about silly stuff, and I can be a bit jealous at times, but I still love her. But there's the story my mom's been telling recently that kinda encompasses our sibling rivalry. While I was at GSP, Rachael was super bored and couldn't wait for me to come back. My mom couldn't figure out why. 'You mean, you'd rather be fighting and bickering your sister all day than being with us?' 'Uh yeah!' My mom being an only child really can't understand. But while we may fight, and I may be jealous that she better at everything, and there are days where I could just rip her to shreds... I still love her and would never take her out into a field and kill her. (Which is probably reassuring for her at least...)

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