Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Pandora's box

The story of Pandora's box tries to explain why there are bad things in society. First, Zeus gives Prometheus's brother, Epimetheus, a gift--Pandora. Pandora is a woman crafted by the greek gods, so assumably she is quite stunning. Along with Pandora, Zeus gives Epimetlheus a box, and warns the couple not to open it. One day Pandora is all alone, and the box strikes her curiosity. She opens the box and in doing so releases all of the evils that are in the world today. But she also releases hope, which is known today as what gets us through the bad things in life.

An analysis of this would be to explain the allusion made when Pandora opens the box. Pandora is explicitly told not to open the box by Zeus. But she does anyway. This is a blatant disregard for Zeus's authoritative power, and therefore consequences were faced--evil has now been released. This is the basic tale of do not do what you are told not to, for there are consequences.

An evil I would like to squelch is close-mindedness. If everyone were open-minded and saw the full realm of things, it would help alleviate other evils in and of itself by never acting with ignorance and one-sidedness.

Pandora's box, 1929 Silent Film

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