Tuesday, September 17, 2013


Adam and Eve had two sons: Cain (the eldest) and Abel (the younger one). Cain was a  farmer, so he maintained the crops. Abel was a shepherd, so he watched over the sheep and lambs. One day God asked the two brothers to a make a sacrifice to him. Abel being selflessness and a a God-loving man chose his best lamb to sacrifice. Cain was more of a wordly thinker, so he decided since he had plenty of crops that year he would just offer some wheat or something. But God took favor to Abel's offering and this angered Cain. So Cain asked Abel to go on a walk with him, and Cain killed Abel. But instead of questioning his murderous act he just hoped that no one had seen him do it. But God sees all and so he asked Cain, "Where is Abel thy brother?" and Cain said "I know not: Am i my brother's keeper?" God cursed Cain for his act and Cain was forever shamed.

I am an only child, but recently my family has acquired a new member into our household. She is a rascal. She can't sit still. Her hands have to be touching everything. Her nose has to be in everything. And now that she can talk she has an opinion. Hurricane Halaya that's what i call her, she's three, still in that "terrible twos" stage i guess.

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