Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Genesis 1-3

The first few chapters of Genesis describe how God created everything. He separated light from dark, day from night, land from water. God created vegetation, animals, and finally created Adam as the first human in the image of himself. He then created Eve and called her a woman because she came from the rib of a man (Adam). Adam and Eve lived in the Garden of Eden as the only humans alive. They were naked, but were not ashamed. They were allowed to eat all the fruit in the garden except for the fruit from one tree. Eve gave into the temptation and Adam followed suit. They commit a sin and realize good and evil. This also causes them to be ashamed of their nudity, so they make garments to wear. God saw their shame and kicked them out of the garden for eating the Forbidden Fruit.

I grew up in a Christian household and am confirmed in the church, but I am not going to act like I am an incredibly devout Christian. I like the idea of going to church more than I actually like going to church, and I do not always live my life like Jesus would. I still believe God created us and everything around us just like the story depicts. I like to compare the story of Adam being created to my own origins. Adam's creation is a dramatic event, the most spectacular event ever. Now, when humans are created it is quite ordinary because it happens so often. God created Adam and Eve and let them reproduce to populate the world. Although thousands of years have passed, we are all still descendants of Adam and Eve; our origins come from God's creation of the world.

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