Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Revenge is a dish best served...

We've all heard this story, no? It's where we get phrases like "curiosity killed the cat" and so on.

Anyways, Zeus was mad at Prometheus and all of mankind, so it goes. To smite us, he created a woman of unparalleled beauty and she would be the his catalyst for revenge, and she would bring trouble and misery to mankind. For Prometheus, he had other plans. Anyways, with a name like Pandora, she charmed all of the gods who bestowed upon her some gift. Thus, not only was Pandora beautiful, but she also had on her side a smooth and persuasive tongue, the art of pleasing, and feminine qualities that would make even the gayest of men swoon, so it goes.

Anyways, Epimetheus had been warned by his brother not to accept any gifts from the gods but he was weak, and thus when Pandora arrived at his home, he wasted no time and made her his wife (no doubt all due to those feminine accomplishments Athene bestowed upon her.) Soon though, he'd pay for not thinking with his head.

Anyways, Epimetheus had this secret jar that held all the blessings reserved by the gods for mankind which he had been forbidden to ever open. But apparently, "women's proverbial curiosity" couldn't resist so mighty of a temptation and thus Pandora is the reason we have war, and poverty, and so on. However, Pandora managed to close the lid before Hope was lost and that is why even on the darkest of days, when it's a Monday, and the line at Starbucks was too long, and traffic was brutal, we still have that slim ray of hope that everything will be fine once we get home. But it probably won't because then there's Tuesday. And then Hump Day.

Also, Zeus didn't forget about Prometheus, oh no. For him, he had something extra special planned. That's why he chained Prometheus to a mountain and sent an eagle to gnaw on his liver day, magically regenerating Prometheus' liver every night so he would be fresh for new torment each day. This went on for 30 years. Good thing Prometheus had Hope left otherwise Hercules never would have killed that eagle for him!

I find it interesting how Zeus was so enraged that he felt it his duty to exact revenge on all of mankind, plus a couple extras. And for what? Some stolen fire? These evils he unleashed to all of mankind through Pandora are ironically, the result of an evil of his own: revenge. If there was one evil that were to be squelched for the good of all mankind, it would have to be revenge for it warps even the most gentle and sincere people into indescribable monsters. Revenge is this never-ending evil game that consumes and infiltrates ever aspect of one's life. And, in most cases, those seeking revenge seek it without cause or for unworthy causes, although, there should never be a case to exact the revenge which Zeus exacted on all mankind and Prometheus. No man should have his liver gnawed by an eagle for 30 years.

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