Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Sibling Rivalry

Genesis 4 is the story of Adam and Eve having their first child Cain, and then having a second boy named Abel. Cain was in charge of tilling the earth and farming, while Abel was in charge of taking care of the sheep. Cain and Abel sacrificed crops and a lamb to God, respectively. God was not pleased with Cain's sacrifice, so Cain blamed his brother rather than himself. Cain's anger built up until one day he killed Abel with a rock. Cain ran away after God realized what he had done, and he lost his family and he lost God. 

I have grown up with 2 brothers. One is two years older than me, and one is seven years younger than me. Although we all love each other, we have had a decent amount of conflict over the years. We have screamed, fought, and cried. One time when I was very young, I went as far as to stab my older  brother with a fork. With the help of our parents' guidance and our maturity, we rarely fight now and get along much better. My little brother still manages to infuriate me often, but I am able to brush off his annoying and inconsiderate behavior because I'm older. Although we fight, family is the most important thing in the world, and a fight is not worth staying angry over. 

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