Wednesday, September 4, 2013


In Genesis 1, God created the earth and the heavens. He also created man. God gave man dominion over earth and earth’s creatures that he had created. In Genesis 2, God creates Adam and put him in charge of the Garden of Eden. He allowed Adam to eat from any tree but the tree of knowledge of good and evil. For Adam, God created woman out of his rib. In Genesis 3, the serpent temped the Woman to eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Both she and Adam eat the fruit and God cast them out of the Garden of Eden.

My origins are similar to most American families. My ancestors emigrated from Europe to work in America. On my dad’s side they emigrated from northern Germany with their family bible to Cincinnati. Though the family eventually moved to the D.C. area the bible stayed with them. Despite that I have not grown up in a religious family. My experience with religion has been different from most, I have always seen it as just another part of ones culture. I have not grown up with religion, so it’s harder for me to accept it. Like many who are in my position, I do envy those who have faith. I don’t know what I believe in; I’m still trying to figure that all out.

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