Tuesday, September 10, 2013

This is why we can't have nice things, Pandora

The story of Pandora's box is yet another example of Zeus' idiotic plans. The story goes that Pandora was the daughter of Zeus, created for him by Hephaestus. With a plan in mind to seek revenge on Prometheus, Zeus sent his artificial daughter down to earth to marry the aforementioned Prometheus' brother, Epimetheus. Zeus sent with her a small locked box that was to never be opened, or so Zeus made Pandora promise. Of course, just like Eve, disobedience struck again. Pandora's curiosity got the better of her, forcing her to open the box, which in turn let out all sorts of evil into the world. However, in all of the cluster of evil, there also was Hope.

Thanks a lot Pandora, look what ya' gone and did. Now we gots all dis evil to deal with thanks to you. The worst of all being terrorism. As it is the twelve year marker of 9/11, this was all that was coming to mind when asked about evil. Going to the memorial in New York is evidence enough of how much that event impacted our country and what it means to us. Thankfully, this is an evil that hopefully is on its way to being squelched thanks to those who choose to put their lives at risk in Afghanistan and formerly Iraq, fighting against that most terrible evil. Thanks to people like my brother. 

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