Monday, September 9, 2013

"Tiny Bug of Hope"

When I was a kid my dad used to read me Greek myths as bedtime stories, so I know the story of Pandora’s box pretty well. But as a refresher I went to find the story online and I discovered a touching childs tale. It went something like this-Zeus was mad at Prometheus because he gave fire to the people without asking the gods. Personally, I think Zeus had a little too much time on his hands because his plotted revenge was to commission his not-as-good-looking-brother, Hephaestus, to make him a woman out of clay. This woman, Pandora, was given to Epimetheus (Prometheus’s brother) as a wife. He took her, obviously, because she was super beautiful and that is like, the only thing that matters. Zeus had given Pandora a box to keep safe and her newlywed the key. He told both of them NEVER to open the box. See, Zeus was really scheming because he figured Epimetheus or Prometheus would eventually open the box and that would be punishment enough. But, like all women, Pandora was curious. So when her husband was sleeping she opened the box and a bunch of “ugly things” flew out. It is here that I'm guessing the story meant the evils of the world like hate and disease and such.  She screamed and shut the box with the little “bug of hope” trapped inside (but thankfully it flew out when she showed her husband.) And this, according to Greek myth, is why we have evil. The end.

"Pandora's Box (myth) - Ancient Greek & Roman Gods." Pandora's Box (myth) - Ancient Greek & Roman Gods. N.p., n.d. Web. 09 Sept. 2013.

 First, I would like to say that it’s kinda annoying how it’s always the woman. We should really be blaming Zeus because he made Pandora and wouldn’t give fire to the humans. What I like about this story though, is that hope is the focal point. They accept the evil because along with them came hope and a world without hope is not the greatest. It’s the same today, it seems like the people that have suffered the most evil have the greatest hope. While there are many evils I would like to squelch, it seems sometimes almost an impossible task. But spreading hope is not impossible.
Also this is the version of Pandora from the story I read. I love it because she looks crazy curious but at the same time like she doesn't care at all.

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