Friday, September 27, 2013

Mo women mo problems

The Greeks apparently hadn't read the story of Adam and Eve. They didn't know how dangerous the female could be. A wife was taken and a war was waged between the Trojans and the Greeks. The battle was pretty intense and the gods were rooting on their favorite teams with the occasional intervention. After mounting losses Odysseus thought up a new plan. He plans to build a giant horse that the Trojans will wheel right into their otherwise impregnable city (it's well protected). Once inside the Trojans begin the post victory celebration and the Greeks use this alcohol induced stupor to slaughter the Trojans. Thus ending the Greek Trojan was and the battle for Helen. 

I dream of a journey much like that of Odysseus. I want to leave what I know and see that I've never known. I love travel, but I hate being a tourist. I want to travel the world but as a part of it not just an observer. Unlike Odysseus I don't necessarily want a final destination in mind. I simply want to go and experience the freedom of just being where I am before I one day return to my home prepare to slaughter any suitors unfortunate enough to try take my place.

The toy that brought a city to its knees.

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