Tuesday, September 24, 2013

No More Trojans.

The Greeks and Trojans are fighting in the Trojan War. The Trojans are protected behind a big wall. It didn't look good for the Greeks, so they had to come up with another idea for how to win the war. Odysseus came up with a plan to build a big wooden horse and fill it with soldiers and have them jump out and attack the Trojans. The Trojans believe they have won the war, so they all get shit-faced and celebrate. During the celebration the Greeks flooded out of the horse and killed the male Trojans and enslaved the women and children.

My dream journey is to hop the border and go to Mexico. In Mexico I will capture 5 very small Mexicans. Maybe they'll be kids, maybe not. But I'll put them in my car and tell them that they're going to have a better life with me. We'll start a mariachi band deep rooted in American culture. We will sing about how I captured all of the members and we'll also sing pop songs that will make it onto the radio. I will develop a deep emotional attachment to each of the members, but I'll eventually have to bring them back to their homeland of Mexico. There will be tears, but we'll hop the border again and I'll return them back to where they were living. Approx. time of trip will be roughly 3 years.

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