Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Pandora's Box

Pandora's Box is an ancient Greek story that shows how curiosity can lead to evils in life. This story begins with Zeus being angry at two brothers named Prometheus and Epimetheus because they gave humans fire. To get back at them, Zeus made a beautiful and charming woman out of clay with the help of Athena, Hephaestos, Aphrodite, and Hermes. Zeus sent her to marry Epimetheus and gave her a box as a wedding present and told her to never open it. He knew the curiosity would get to her, and soon enough it did. She opened it and released evils into the world such as disease, poverty, death, and sadness. Also, hope came out of the box to mend the problems caused by all the evils. In the end, hope is the main theme of the story.

This image is a joke, but goes along with the Pandora's Box theme.


If I could squelch one evil in this world, it would be world hunger and access to clean water. Food and clean water are necessary to survive, and in the United States and other wealthy countries they are common. However, in third world countries especially in Africa, lots of people do not have access to these staples. If I could, I would rid the world of this problem. If everyone had adequate food and water, quality of life as well as average lifespan would dramatically increase. 

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