Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Zeus you little girl

As I was reading the story of Pandora's Box I found myself saying the phrase "c'mon man" quite often. I mean, first of all, Zeus is mad at Prometheus because he gave people fire without asking for it first?? C'mon man! That's so petty. I pictured Zeus to be strong manly man when really he's got dyed brown hair, a spray tan, and a Jersey accent saying "Dawlin, Gina used my good hoop earrings widdout askin and now she's gonna pay".

So anyway Zeus made a daughter out of clay (??) and sent her down to be with Prometheus's brother Epimetheus. He also gave her a box with a big lock on it and told Epimetheus never to open it. Another tease by Zeus. He basically said "Hey here's this new ice cream flavor I made... its really delicious but I'm not going to tell you what kind. Also, you have to keep it in your freezer but can never taste it."

Epimetheus is the smart one here. He knows Zeus can be a little girl sometimes so he knows better than to open the box. But then Pandora (who was created by Hephaestus, you think she'd know better) has to go and open the box and let out all the bad things in the world, except for one tiny bug of Hope.

This is absolutely annoying because why wouldn't have Zeus just gone to Prometheus and been like "Yo bro.. you dished out some fire without my permission... dat ain't cool". I'm gonna lock you away for a couple weeks, then we'll be cool". BUT NO. Zeus had to act like a high school girl and go around Prometheus's back to his friends in order to get back at him. It just creates more problems for everyone. C'mon man.

I cannot pick one evil to squelch because they are all big and I'm not sure which one I would get rid of first. Its too hard of a question, I'm sorry Mrs. W

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