Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Cain & Abel

In Genesis 4, it says that Adam and Eve had two sons named Cain and Abel. Cain was a farmer and Abel was a shepherd, and one day they each brought offerings to the Lord. Abel brought some choice parts from the firstborn animals from his flock, and this pleased God (so I guess the Lord wasn't a vegetarian). Cain brought some crops from his field, but the Lord did not approve, for whatever reason. So Cain got mad and, I'm sure embarrassed, because nobody likes getting told their work is sub-par.

But God told Cain that if you do your best, everything's gonna be alright, but if you don't try, sin is gonna take you away in one big sweep. So, (naturally?) Cain ignored the Lord, and went and killed his brother Abel out of jealousy. Then God cursed Abel and his fields and sent him to the Land of Wondering for the rest of his days.

I have conflict with my 15 year old all the time, but if she had wanted to murder me every time I've been better than her at something, well I would've been dead a long time ago. Actually the reason my we fight the most is because she's super sensitive (she's just at that stage, my mother says) and I like to joke a lot. So when she messes up or something, I poke fun at her and she doesn't take it well and it escalates quickly. But never to murder. That's usually where my parents step in. C'mon Adam and Eve where were you guys? That's the second time you've let us down.

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