Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Odysseus and the Trojan Horse

The Trojan War has been raging for years, but the end draws close. Odysseus and his Greek comrades are trying to invade the gates of Troy, with little success. But! Clever Odysseus has a plan. Naturally, he decides to build a huge wooden horse and give it to the Greeks as a victory gift. Or so they thought. The horse was actually filled with members of the Trojan army, ready to spring into attack as soon as the Greeks went to sleep. They would then open the gates of Troy from the inside and let the full army in, slaughtering the Greeks and winning the war.

I'm not sure what kind of "journey" I want to have. I just want to see where the road takes me, and whatever happens happens. I want to go to college and have an awesome time there, and eventually settle down somewhere. I would just like to enjoy life, and never take anything too seriously. We can sometimes get so wrapped up in work or school that we never have any fun, and on my journey, I strive to never be like that. And also, if I ever end up inside of a horse something has gone dangerously wrong.

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