Tuesday, September 10, 2013


Zeus orders his wife to make him a daughter out of clay. Pandora is created and Zeus sends her to Earth to marry his brother. Zeus wants her to marry his brother Prometheus so he can get revenge on him. Before Pandora left to Earth Zeus gave her a box and told her never to open it, he also gave his other brother Epimetheus a key that could open the box and also told him never to open it. Pandora's curiosity got to her and she opens the box, which releases every evil known today throughout the Earth. One good thing was in the box though, hope. Hope was in the form of a tiny bug. If I was to crush one evil of the Earth I would crush pride probably. Pride just creates a lot of unnecessary tension between people, and without it people could just release their inhibitions without having to feel judged. There would be a shift in daily interactions and everyone would be more at peace.

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