Thursday, September 26, 2013

Before, during, and after the beginning

In the beginning there was God( in all three parts just for clarification). He was lonely and the angels provided little enjoyment with their pathetic squabbles. In response to this situation he began to create. He began with light, but then moved on to create the heavens and the earth. He created water, land, night, day, and sky. He also created animals: birds of the sky, fish of the sea, and everything in between. All of these things were good, but something was missing; dog was no ones best friend. In response God breathed life into the dust and named it Adam, but Adam's chest was too boney so God put him down for a nap and took out his rib and used it to make a woman named Eve. She is given a bad rap for her affinity for fruit, but Adam stood by and watched her eat the fruit more than likely to see if curiosity would really kill the cat much like God had warned. Unfortunately he didn't wait long enough because death began much later.

My creation is far less impressive than that of Genesis. I was born as most babies are to a family that was fairly average. Women already existed so I got to keep all my ribs. I spent years growing until in a seeming insignificant moment I took my bite of forbidden fruit. I don't remember it, but things have been downhill ever since. 

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