Tuesday, September 3, 2013

The most touted mythology on earth

So in Genisis chapters 1-3 Allah creates from nothing light the earth then the heavens and the waters above and below the earth and then birds and fish then land then plants and animals and finally Adam then after all his hard work he rests for a day. Adam of course is lonely and so God sedated him steals his rib and makes a companion for him. (Isn't the bible just great about shoving women below men) but anyway so they live together some unspecified amount of time eating whatever they want in this beautiful garden all except for the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil which basically means Adam and Eve had no morals and were just stupid animals just like all the other things in God's Zoo. So he would come see them and they were friendly and really like children with no idea of right or wrong other than that the tree kills them. However Satan decides to change all that. Lucifer the devil was once an angel but he decided to go against god and so he and his followers were banished. He to get back at God tells Eve (of course another way for males to assert supremacy) to eat the fruit as it will make her like God and who wouldn't want that? So she eats it takes it to Adam who says he is tricked by her into eating it and then they are sent out never to return.
*a few cool notes and theories I've heard: the garden still exists and is guarded by angels, and the reasons that Adam and Eve lived so long is because of the other tree next to the knowledge which is the tree of life. So the idea is that if someone got inside the garden which still exists and eats this tree they will live forever just like Adam and Eve. The other interesting idea is that the bible never tells of other people in the garden but they could exist living forever and creating their own innocent society after they saw what happened to their ancestors Adam and Eve.
So anyway I don't believe any of the mythology above this point. I think it is a great story and very exciting much the same way that Greek mythology is exciting but it is not what really happened. It has no science and even without science lets be honest a tree that lets you live forever and a tree that makes you understand wrong and right are both pretty silly. I mean really. However it really doesn't matter what I think. What matters is what someone else thinks and that they make their own descision. As for me I think this is a tool. A story designed by an ancient society to explain what to them is magic. Just like using a magnet to push another to them would be magic. So what does one without any sense of what is really happening do? They make a story that makes sense to them. The ancient people of this area created the idea of a garden and used it to show why they had to work. They also cleverly tought why to stay away from snakes as Lucifer was turned into one. Basically they need a way to explain the seemingly innexplicable and Occams Razor runs off into the wild blue yonder. They also needed something to believe in to tell them that their entire lives mattered and weren't insignificant so they created a God that cared. So for me yeah it's pretty crazy and not realistic. However it makes sense why it was important at one time. Now it makes less sense. I think the biggest reason people don't simply admit that it's nonsense is that they hate change even if it's perfectly correct. They hate the difference simply because it is different.

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