Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Odysseus and the Trojan Horse

Towards the end of the ten-year war with Troy, Odysseus, a master thinker, created a plan to get inside of the walls of Troy. His plan was to build a giant horse out of wood and present it to the Trojans as a peace offering. Ha! (I still don’t understand how they fell for that.) This giant wooden horse was not a peace offering. Actually a bunch of the best Greek soldiers were sneakily hiding out in the hollow inside of the horse. Their plan was to crawl out at night, open the gates of Troy to let in their fellow soldiers and then kill all of the drunk and sleepy Trojans. Well, they were supposed to kill everybody but Odysseus let a man named Aeneas escape. This is ironic because Aeneas was said to go on to found Rome, which eventually defeated Greece. Then Odysseus embarked on his ten-year journey to return to Ithica.

I am so fortunate to have been able to go many places I have dreamed of. Despite this I still want to go back to Paris, Rome, Berlin and Madrid. I would love to tour Europe in a Lorelei and Rory (Gilmore Girls) back packing trip where I revisit where I have been and also go to other cities like Prague and Athens. If I ever find the guts, time or money I would love to spend a year in Europe. If only I were so lucky. Really though, I want to go everywhere. Right now Buenos Aires and India are at the top of my list.  There are too many places for one lifetime, for now I’m just adding more and more to my list.

For the past few years I have been dreaming of living in Rome. It could happen.
     Paris is where I would go to for vacation if I lived in Rome and it got too sunshine-y.

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