Thursday, September 26, 2013

Genesis 4

Chapter 4 of Genesis is that of genealogy and how man began to call upon the name of the Lord. First, Eve gives birth to two sons. Cain and Abel. One day, Abel brings God a grand offer, and Cain does not bring as good of an offer. God commends Abel, and Cain is mad that God did not thank him as he did Abel. Furious, Cain kills Abel. For this, God curses Cain. Down the genealogy line Cain's children have children who have children who have Lamech. he is very boastful and says "If Cain shall be avenged sevenfold, truly Lamech seventy and sevenfold". Then Eve has seth, and Seth has Enos, and man begins to call upon the name of the lord. 

An analysis of this is when Cain kills Abel. This is obviously out of jealousy. This story is teaching us a lesson that jealousy is an evil trait to have. Instead, one should be happy for the other person.

To connect this to myself, I don't have really have conflicts with my siblings. They are all either half siblings or step siblings, and I never had any of them before I was a teenager, and once I was a teenager I was old enough to not get in conflicts with these step/half siblings. But my two step brothers do often get in conflicts, and it is interesting to watch. They are very competitive and fight about EVERYTHING. One is always trying to one up the other. I don't understand why they can't just get along. I think part of the reason is that they are each other's punching bags. All the anger they have pent up they release onto each other. They never get anywhere when they fight, and often get in trouble for doing so. Just like Cain killing Abel in Genesis.

"(give me your hand, 
blood is spilt and man will follow 
infernal man, punishment too great to bear) 
Conceived and born was one of light 
Rain and dark, the other born black night.

Raise your head and taste the courage 
(the one of light) 
Fall from grace, unholy night 
I’ve come here to kill you, 
won’t leave until you’ve died 
Murder born of vengeance, 
I closed my brother’s eyes tonight… 

(give me your hand, 
blood is spilt and man will follow 
infernal man, punishment too great to bear) 
Conceived and born was one of light 
Rain and dark, the other born black night.

Raise your head and taste the courage 
(the one of light) 
Fall from grace, unholy night 
I’ve come here to kill you, 
won’t leave until you’ve died 
Murder born of vengeance, 
I closed my brother’s eyes tonight… 

It’s cold tonight as the clouds turn grey 
and from my hands to my brother’s grave 
You took his side, you took his gift, 
feel the power of a fallen man, crestfallen man… 

Far away in this land I must go, 
out of the sight of The One. 
A punishment sent from his hands 
a hardship that no one should know 
Now go out of the sight of The One, 
away in this land you must go. 

“Where has he gone? What have you done?”
A voice commands from high above this earth. 
“From the soil his blood cries out to me, 
Murder, liar, vengeance, deceit.” 

Far away in this land I must go, 
out of the sight of The One. 
A punishment sent from his hands 
a hardship that no one should know 
Now go out of the sight of The One, 
away in this land you must go."

This is a song called Chapter Four by Avenged Sevenfold, which is obviously about Genesis 4... as is the name of the band.

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