Tuesday, September 3, 2013

In The Beginning

In the beginning God created heaven and earth. He proceeded to create light, night and day, the sea and the stars, fish and animals. Then God created man in his image, to be like Him. He created Adam, whom he saw was good. He then took a rib from Adam and created woman, Eve. They were to rule over the creatures of the garden of Eden, and although they were naked, they were not ashamed of it. Adam and Eve were husband and wife who lived together in the garden of Eden. God told them they could eat all the delicious fruit from any tree in the garden except one. However, the first sin occurs because of the snake and Eve's and Adam's choices to eat the Forbidden Fruit. They both eat the fruit and become aware of good and evil. They realize their nudity and become ashamed. God realizes this and kicks everybody out the garden for their sin.

I have been a Christian for most of my life. I go to church. I try to live like Jesus. But just because I'm a Christian doesn't mean I'm perfect, and it certainly doesn't mean I have to be a prude. I don't just listen to K-love and stay in every weekend. I like to have fun. I enjoy rap music. I love a good joke, no matter how dirty. My family has always involved alcohol at family functions, I have no problem with it. I believe its important to be cultured, to see many sides of the world and to see other people's beliefs as well as your own. Christianity isn't being a goody two shoes all the time, and its not what I am.

I also try my best to be nice to people and not judge others because of the choices they make. It makes me angry when people categorize Christians into this mold of judgemental, spiteful people. I'm not mad because they say those things; I'm angry because they're mostly right. Many Christians can be rude, and the way they live their lives is clique-ish, staying away from the people that are most different from them and judging them for those differences. If you're protesting gay rights by holding up a "God Hates Gays" sign, lemme clue you in, you're not doing it right pal. God loves everybody and I think a lot of Christians forget that. I try not to be judgemental and hateful towards others. I have a way that I've chosen to live my life, but that doesn't mean I hate others who are different from me.

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