Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Sibling Rivalry

In Cain and Abel (Genesis Chapter 4), Adam and Eve birth their first son, Cain. She then gave birth to her second son, Abel. Abel kept flocks while Cain worked with the land. Abel and Cain both brought the Lord an offering, the Lord did not like Cains offering. Cain grew very mad and attacked and killed his brother. The Lord punished Cain and made it so no one could murder him and he would have to live the awful life he had brought upon himself. Adam and Eve were blessed with another child, to replace their lost son Abel, named Seth. At this time, people "began to call on the name of the Lord."

If you have a brother or sister, there is almost always going to be sibling rivalry. I have an older brother and we are two years apart. We have fought ever since I can remember. We fight about almost everything, whether its where to go to dinner or whose taking the dog on a walk. Now that we are more mature and he's in college, we fight a lot less than we did when we were younger. Like it is expressed in Genesis Chapter 4, most of the sibling rivalry is due to jealousy or anger.

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