Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Sibling Rivalry

This week we meet Adam and Eve's children, Cain the oldest and Abel the youngest. The two brothers each had jobs, Cain cared for the fields and the crops while Abel watched over the herds of animals. When the time came they brought forth gifts of sacrifice to God, each bringing what they could. Cain gave up crops form the fields while Abel gave God one fat from one of his best animals in the herd. God appreciated Abel's gift more than Cain's and it infuriated Cain. He eventually killed his little brother with a rock to the head. Cain then fled with no family or God on his journey. It really stinks for Adam and Eve because they lost both of their children, so they had another one named Seth, but he isn't that important.

Ever since day one my brother has been tormenting me, both physically and mentally. When we were younger I didn't mind it too much but when he started getting bigger, stronger and more aggressive I hated it. And he would constantly let me know who was in charge. However, ever since he went off to college our relationship has grown a lot better, we now talk and play in a little more mature way, but not so much where it's just boring conversation. I wouldn't call our fights sibling rivalry but more just to see who could dish out the most pain. Looking back now, I appreciate all the bruises and cuts he gave me since it made me put up with other things in life.


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