Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Dat Dang Box of Pandora's

Pandor's Box is an ancient Greek myth to explain the origins of the evils in this world. Pandora, the daughter of Zeus, made out of clay by Hephaestus, was given to a titan on Earth named Epithemus. However this wasn't just a gift of appreciation by Zeus, it was a gift of revenge. Along with Pandora, Zeus offered a great box that was locked and could only be opened with a special key, in which, he gave to Epithemus. There was only one stipulation with the box: to never open it. Zeus was planning on either Epithemus' or Pandora's curiosity to cause one of them to open the box, unleashing all the evils that were inside the box. But Epithemus knew Zeus too well and wouldn't open the box, but Pandora was not as strong as Epithemus (females smh). One night, while Epithemus was sleep, Pandora stole the key and unlocked the box, letting all the evils out into the world. But she closed the box before the last "bug" could get out. Epithemus woke from Pandora crying at what she had done. When he came to confront her she showed him that the box was empty and the last "bug" flew out and  thanked her, for the last bug was hope.

There are a lot of evils in this world. But the one that I would squelch, and I personally think is the root of all evil is hate. Hate leads to jealousy, selfishness, greed, loneliness, lust, racism, discrimination, bullying, etc. If there was no hate everyone would get along harmoniously and there would be peace and love and happiness everywhere (felt like a hippie typing that).

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