Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Can We Make "Knew" a New Euphemism Please?

So Adam and Eve had two sons, Cain and Abel. Cain farmed the land, and his brother Abel kept sheep. And Cain decided he would honor God with some of his harvest, and likewise Abel honored God with a sacrifice of the firstborn sheep of his flock. And God, being that as he is, respected Abel's offering but not Cain's. Cain grew mad at his brother for gaining the favor of God, and jumped to the completely rational conclusion that he should kill him for his transgressions (which is to say that it was not rational at all, don't think I'm endorsing murder because sarcasm doesn't translate to writing well). So, being all knowing as he was, God knew that Cain had murdered Abel, and therefore cursed him never to have a good harvest, but also cursed anyone who killed Cain sevenfold. The rest of the chapter then details how first Cain, then all of Cain's sons, "knew" their wives and continued the bloodline (and you have to wonder where all their wives are coming from, aside from the obvious).

Being the older sister, I can safely say that I doubt I'd ever murder my sister because she held the favor of God and not I. There are multiple reasons that that wouldn't happen, and I don't feel the need to detail them. However, I think the best way to describe my relationship with my sister is this: sometimes I'll sit in her room for 3 hours and talk to her about whatever, and sometimes we set each other off from the slightest word. Lately it's been more of the former than the latter, though that's hardly unheard of still. Generally I'd say that we get along rather well -- and maybe that's because we haven't gone to the same school since I was in 4th grade. That said, I'm sure there has been rivalries and such. I probably wouldn't be leaping too far ahead of myself to say that I don't really care enough to have much of a rivalry with her, though she does have her moments of rivalry with me.

The best example of a sort of rivalry would be last night, when I was talking about my first AP Human Geography test score -- which, full disclosure, was an 82 with just the multiple choice and no essays or my extra credit -- and she felt it absolutely necessary to jump in and say that she got a 100 on her first HuGe test. Not too spectacular, but we usually get over arguments pretty quickly. My parents have said it's because I almost have no pulse at all and kinda let her do whatever, but most of the time I think she'd prefer to just not argue.

Plus, we're able to talk about stuff like Star Trek and Sherlock together, so why ever would we spent time fighting when we can instead talk about how absolutely ~dreamy~ Chris Pine is -- a comment which is only half joking.

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