Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Pandora's Box

The story goes that Hephaestus was ordered by Zeus to make him a daughter. So he listened to Zeus and made a girl out of clay named Pandora. Zeus sent Pandora down to Earth to marry Prometheus in order to get revenge on Epimethius for defying Zeus. Pandora was given a box and told to never open it, the key was given to Epimethius. When Epimethius was sleeping, Pandora stole the key and opened the box. Essentially everything bad flew out of the box and into the world.

One of the major evils that escaped from the box was hate. Hate is, for the most part, the driving force of all evil in the world. Hate is the cause of wars, discrimination, and violent crimes. This story serves as a scapegoat for all of the human-made evils in the world. It teaches the reader that they are not the cause of these evils, but rather they are a victim to the mistake that Pandora made. The story defends human nature and tells us all that it is not our fault if we hate or cause evil.

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