Wednesday, September 25, 2013

What happens when you tick off the Greeks.

"Now you, Lancelot, and I will jump out of the bunny." "Wait what?" "You Lancelot and I will jump out. Oh oh um. So we'll build a giant wooden badger." Monty Python reenvisioned the story of the Trojan horse in their movie Monty Python and the Holy Grail. In the true story, they basically do the same thing but instead of failing to get inside they do so and jump out taking them "utterly by surprise" and killing all the Trojans. So basically we glorify the worst most vicious trick ever which resulted in the desruction of a culture. Ironically the Trojans got the Greeks back as according to the Aenead that the Romans came from the Trojans and they eventually conquered the Greeks sooooo that's awkward.
As far as me I want an adventure. I really don't care where I go as long as I get to do something truly special. Something that no one else has ever expirienced before.

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