Tuesday, September 10, 2013


pandora's+box.jpgIt all started when Prometheus went behind the god's back and gave fire to the people on earth. Frustrated, Zeus devised a plan to get back at Prometheus. He did so by telling Hephaestus to make a woman out of clay called pandora. Several gods then gave her gifts to basically make her extremely desirable. When pandora is sent to earth, she is given a box and instructed to never open it up no matter the circumstance. But Pandora couldn't resist and managed to open up the box where she let out everything bad in the world like hate, disease etc. But when she finally closed the box the only thing left in the box was hope, but the bug eventually flew out when she opened it again to  show her husband.

I really enjoy this story because it can relate to so many things in peoples life's today. The story can help people realize that no matter how much evil they go through there is always hope left in the world. Also just realized how it relates to the Genesis 1-3. In both a higher being gives a person everything they need, but in both temptation takes over and bad things end up happening to the people.  I find it kind of funny though that in both story's the woman messes it up for the whole world, so women have that going for them.

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