Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Adam and Eve

God made man out of his image. God gave man power and dominion over all living and non-living things. God then let the first man, Adam, name all of these living creatures. God saw that Adam needed a female counterpart, so he put Adam in deep sleep and took one of his ribs to make this woman, called Eve. There was a Garden of Eden, and man could eat from every tree in the Garden but the "tree of knowledge of good and evil." But thanks to snakes in the grass and the naivety of women, man was cursed. The End.

I know not of my origins. Every time me and my family would start to do a family tree, or research our history we would stop after my grandparents' parents. Because we were too lazy to go back anymore then we knew immediately. But i hope someday to trace back my lineage, and to see that i come from Kings.

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