Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Gensis 1-3

In these first three chapters of the Bible the Earth is created and the first two humans on Earth betray God. In the beginning there was nothing but the Earth, and on the Earth existed nothing. But God created light, water, land, cycles of days, and creatures on Earth after a 5 day process. On the sixth day God created the first man, Adam, and on the seventh day God rested. After the seventh day God put Adam in the Garden of Eden. God commanded Adam to never eat out of the tree of knowledge, and he created a mate for Adam out of one of Adam's ribs. Her name was Eve. A serpent convinces Eve to eat the forbidden fruit and Eve convinces Adam to eat it too, and they become ashamed to be naked. God punishes them by making birth giving painful for women.
I have lived my whole life trying to be the best student I can be. I would study hard to get A's on tests and I always did my homework. I also played recreational basketball as a kid hoping to be good enough to play for my High School one day. But it turned out that basketball was something that took a lot more dedication than grades. I have always been a very excitable person. Every event that ever occurs I get extremely pumped up for and then I have the best time of my life.

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